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Celebrating Love In A Welcoming Colorado For All: Governor Polis Stamps Valentine's Day Letters at Annual LOVEland Event

TelAve News/10853755
LOVEland ~ Loveland, Colorado - Governor Jared Polis of Colorado joined in the 79th annual Valentine's Day card stamping event in LOVEland, also known as the sweetheart city. The event, held at the Valentine's Station, is a beloved tradition that allows people from all over the country to send love letters to their loved ones.

During the event, Governor Polis expressed his support for inclusivity and love for all in Colorado. "In our Colorado For All, everyone can celebrate Valentine's Day with their loved ones," he stated. He also emphasized the significance of this tradition in spreading love and joy on this special day.

The Loveland Valentine's Re-Mailing event is the largest of its kind and receives nearly 100,000 valentines each year from all 50 states and 110 countries worldwide. This cherished event has been a part of Coloradans' lives for 79 years since its inception in 1946. Governor Polis joined volunteers to handstamp Valentines with the collector's stamp before they are sent out across the country and globe.

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The collector's stamp for 2025 was designed by Corry McDowell and features a verse written by Jeanne Perrine that reads: "We can't keep our LOVE inside, So we spread HEATS far and wide, In Loveland's embrace they abide, To show where LOVE will always reside." This stamp captures the essence of LOVEland and its tradition of spreading love to all corners of the world.

For those who wish to have their Valentines re-mailed from Loveland, they can do so by mailing their pre-stamped and pre-addressed cards in a large first-class envelope to Attn: Valentine Re-mailing at 446 E. 29th Street, Loveland, CO 80538-9998. Additionally, until February 10th, Valentines can be dropped off at designated locations such as the red mailbox in the lobby of the Loveland Post Office.

The annual Valentine's Day card stamping event in LOVEland is a testament to the city's commitment to spreading love and joy. With Governor Polis' participation, this tradition continues to thrive and bring people together from all over the world.

Filed Under: Government, State

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