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Colorado: Governor Polis Celebrates International Women's Day

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GLENDALE ~ Glendale - Governor Polis and WorldDenver came together today to celebrate International Women's Day and recognize the achievements of women in Colorado and around the world. During the event, Maria Garcia Berry was presented with the Individual Award for International Women's Day.

Governor Polis expressed his admiration for Berry, stating, "International Women's Day is a time to reflect on the remarkable women in Colorado and around the world. I am honored to recognize my friend Maria Garcia Berry, a woman who has been a driving force in our state by expanding leadership opportunities and global connections for women."

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As a founding partner of CRL Associates, Berry has been instrumental in promoting leadership opportunities and global connections for women in Colorado. As an immigrant from Cuba, she has also been dedicated to supporting immigrants and refugees in Denver. Her leadership roles with organizations such as the Cuba Study Group, Cuba Emprende Foundation, and Biennial of the Americas have allowed her to make a significant impact.

One of Berry's notable achievements was playing a crucial role in bringing Denver to the global stage at the first Cities Summit of the Americas in 2023. As Board Chair of Biennial of the Americas, she continues to work towards creating opportunities for women both locally and globally. Governor Polis' recognition of her contributions serves as a testament to her dedication and hard work towards empowering women.

Filed Under: Government, State

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