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Colorado Office of Sustainability Releases Statewide Sustainability Strategic Plan for State Government

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DENVER ~ The Colorado Office of Sustainability, housed within the Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA), has recently released its first Statewide Sustainability Strategic Plan. This plan sets ambitious new goals to drive environmentally sustainable government operations and reduce energy and water costs for taxpayers. It builds upon the success of previous greening government initiatives and aligns with Governor Jared Polis' 2025-2027 Operational Agenda.

Established in January 2024, the Office of Sustainability leads statewide efforts to reduce the carbon footprint from government facilities and operations, optimize resource efficiency, and leverage federal and private sector resources for sustainability projects. The strategic plan reinforces the state's commitment to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, reducing energy and water consumption, and increasing the use of clean energy in government operations.

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Governor Polis expressed his support for the strategic plan, stating that it builds on his administration's ongoing efforts to ensure state government provides quality resources to hardworking Coloradans while also improving efficiency and cutting costs. He emphasized that protecting natural resources and reducing pollution will create a stronger Colorado for both current and future generations.

Tony Gherardini, Executive Director of the Department of Personnel & Administration, also praised the strategic plan as a clear roadmap for further reducing Colorado's environmental footprint while delivering significant cost savings for taxpayers. He highlighted the importance of centralizing sustainability efforts and maximizing funding opportunities to ensure that Colorado's government leads by example in creating a cleaner, more efficient future for its citizens.

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The strategic plan includes several key elements such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions from state facilities and fleets, enhancing energy and water efficiency by at least 15% per square foot and 2% respectively, expanding renewable energy usage to at least 7% by FY 2024-25, and phasing out petroleum-powered lawn and garden equipment while increasing electric vehicle adoption.

This is not the first time that Colorado has shown a commitment to sustainability in state operations. Since 2003, four governors have signed a total of 11 Greening Government Executive Orders, demonstrating a long-standing bipartisan dedication to this cause. The Office of Sustainability plays a critical role in implementing these directives by providing technical assistance, accountability, and leadership to ensure the state meets its ambitious sustainability objectives.

The Statewide Sustainability Strategic Plan is now available on the Colorado Office of Sustainability website for public access. With this plan in place, Colorado is well on its way to becoming a national leader in sustainable government operations and setting an example for other states to follow.

Filed Under: Government, State

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