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Dr. Eva Ritvo Makes Change by Being Kind

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Dr. Eva Ritvo Bekindr Book by Eva Ritvo, MD Dr. Eva & Joy (Photo: R. Zuckerman) Joy: Bold Beauty Project (Photo: R. Zuckerman)
MIAMI - TelAve -- Trending worldwide is a feature article about Dr. Eva Ritvo in VoyageMIA magazine. A psychiatrist practicing in Miami for over 30 years, she is a caring therapeutic professional, writer and philanthropist. She is also an ongoing columnist in the Beverly Hills Courier. Dr. Eva's most recent book, Bekindr: The Transformative Power of Kindness, shares stories about sixty-four random acts of kindness and was written with the intention of inspiring others to act in a kinder fashion. She believes that a simple act of kindness can go a long way to make life better for both the giver and the receiver.

The book shares many of the challenges Dr. Eva has faced in her own life and the role kindness has played. Her father had major health issues when she was growing up and eventually received a heart transplant. Miraculously, he survived until 10 days after his 90th birthday! She is also the mother of two daughters. Her first daughter, Joy, was born with Cerebral Palsy and had brain surgery at age 5, which led to additional complications. Divorced when her children were 13 and 17, she left a thriving career in academic medicine to open a private practice to better care for her family. In 2020, COVID-19 dramatically changed her life again. Dr. Eva stated, "Reflecting back, these multiple challenges have made me stronger, wiser, and more independent. Each issue has taught me so much, and I am better able to help my patients and all those around me because of the many lessons I have learned."

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Kindness and giving back are highly important to Dr. Eva. One of her most rewarding activities is being the Co-director of the nonprofit Bold Beauty Project with Shelly Baer, LCSW, University of Miami Mailman Center for Child Development. The Bold Beauty Project selects women with varying disabilities and pairs them with volunteer award-winning photographers to showcase these women at their most bold and beautiful.

The Bold Beauty Project then creates extraordinary exhibitions displaying large-scale photographs with monographs by the women and the photographers. Exhibitions have been held across the US and in Panama and they have recently hosted exhibitions on college campuses. Dr. Eva added, "We have been invited to bring the Bold Beauty Project to the Personal Structures Exhibition during the 2026 Venice Biennale. We are currently raising funds to make the dream of the Venice Exhibition a reality and to advance our mission of empowering women and shattering preconceived ideas about what it means to live with a disability.

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Dr. Eva Ritvo's website is evaritvomd.com

Patrice Samara
Triumph Communications Group

Source: Triumph Communications Group

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