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Expanding Outdoor Recreation Opportunities in Southern Colorado: Polis Administration Announces Colorado Parks and Wildlife to Explore Local & Federal Partnership on Managing Hiking, Fishing, Camping on Public Lands on Iconic Pikes Peak

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. ~ Colorado Governor Jared Polis announced on Thursday during his State of the State address plans for enhanced stewardship and new public land opportunities on Pikes Peak. This announcement was followed by a Letter of Intent (LOI) from key partners in the Colorado Springs area, expressing their desire to expand the state recreation system with new Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW)-managed recreation opportunities on Pikes Peak - also known as "America's Mountain."

The LOI was signed by various organizations, including the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the City of Manitou Springs, the City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services office, Pikes Peak America's Mountain municipal enterprise, Colorado Springs Utilities, El Paso County, Teller County, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This partnership aims to improve outdoor recreation opportunities while also preserving Pikes Peak for future generations.

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Governor Polis expressed his excitement about this partnership and its potential to provide high-quality outdoor recreation opportunities for more people in the thriving Pikes Peak region. He also emphasized that this is just the first step in a multi-year plan to enhance activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking on Pikes Peak in a way that benefits both the landscape and local economy.

The proposed partnership is similar to CPW's collaboration with federal agencies at Arkansas Headwaters Recreation Area where they manage campgrounds and oversee various recreational activities. The first priority of this partnership will be to draft a long-term agreement with CPW for them to assume management and development of the Ring the Peak Trail corridor.

This partnership aligns with Governor Polis' 2020 Executive Order creating the Regional Partnerships Initiative (RPI), which aims to develop a statewide vision for world-class outdoor recreation while also preserving Colorado's wildlife, habitat, and quality of life.

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The administration commended the efforts of Pikes Peak Outdoor Recreation Alliance (PPORA) for bringing together federal, state, and municipal partners to sign the LOI. PPORA has been working since 2021 to collaborate with outdoor businesses, nonprofits, government entities, and individuals who recognize the value of the region's natural and recreational assets for both economic growth and community well-being. Their primary focus has been on America's Mountain, and they have developed the Outdoor Pikes Peak Initiative.

It is important to note that CPW does not expect to manage the Pikes Peak Highway or the Broadmoor Manitou and Pikes Peak Cog Railway. However, with CPW taking the lead in managing and expanding recreation on Pikes Peak, there will be many new opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts.

This partnership marks a significant step towards enhancing outdoor recreation opportunities in Colorado while also preserving its natural beauty for future generations. With the support of various organizations and Governor Polis' vision for a world-class outdoor recreation system, Pikes Peak is set to become an even more popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

Filed Under: Government, State

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