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Governor Polis Provides Regional State of the State to Boulder Chamber, Celebrates Colorado's Schools, and Discusses Efforts to Build More Housing Coloradans Can Afford

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~ Governor Polis Makes Visits Across Boulder, Larimer, and Weld Counties

Today, Governor Jared Polis embarked on a tour of Boulder, Larimer, and Weld Counties to meet with local leaders and address important issues facing Coloradans. The day began with a regional State of the State address delivered by Governor Polis to the Boulder Chamber of Commerce.

During his speech, Governor Polis emphasized his commitment to addressing the concerns of Colorado residents. He highlighted his administration's efforts to lower housing costs, expand transit options, invest in law enforcement, and provide high-quality education for all students. However, he also stressed that there is still more work to be done in making Colorado more affordable, sustainable, and livable for everyone.

Following his address, Governor Polis visited Rocky Mountain Elementary School in Longmont. The school was recognized as a recipient of the Governor's Math Bright Spot Award in 2023 and is also a Universal Preschool Provider. During his visit, Governor Polis praised the school for its dedication to giving students a strong start in their education.

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"Giving our students a strong start is important for their success in the classroom and our future workforce," said Governor Polis. "As a Universal Free Preschool Provider and Bright Spot award recipient, Rocky Mountain Elementary demonstrates Colorado's commitment to student success on a daily basis. I was thrilled to visit today to learn about the school's success and see how their best practices can be applied to help students in all four corners of our state thrive."

After his visit to Rocky Mountain Elementary School, Governor Polis met with Tracey Johnson, the General Manager of Clayton Homes. They discussed how Clayton Homes is working towards creating more affordable housing options for Coloradans.

"The high cost of housing remains a top priority for me and my administration," said Governor Polis. "Last year we made historic progress in breaking through government barriers that prevented more housing from being built. Innovative builders like Clayton Homes are an important part of our next steps to build more housing Coloradans can afford, and I was excited to learn about their work in the Fort Collins area."

Governor Polis' visits across Boulder, Larimer, and Weld Counties demonstrate his dedication to addressing the needs of Colorado residents. By meeting with local leaders and visiting successful schools and businesses, Governor Polis is working towards making Colorado a more affordable, sustainable, and livable state for all.

Filed Under: Government, State

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