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Idaho delivers largest income tax cut in state history, sending another $253 million back to Idahoans

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Boise, Idaho ~ Boise, Idaho - In a move to fulfill his promise of providing tax relief to Idahoans, Governor Brad Little signed House Bill 40 today, alongside members of House and Senate leadership. This bill will return $253 million to the pockets of Idahoans through income tax cuts.

The majority of the tax cut will be achieved by reducing the income tax rate for individuals and businesses from 5.695% to 5.3%. Additionally, it includes a provision that allows veterans to keep more of their military pensions.

Governor Little emphasized the importance of giving back to hardworking families and businesses, stating that it is the right thing to do. He also acknowledged the role of good government and taxpayers in Idaho's continued strength. The Governor expressed his gratitude towards his partners in the Legislature for sharing his goal of prioritizing tax relief while also addressing the needs of a growing state. He also stressed the need for a balanced budget as required by the Idaho Constitution.

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House Speaker Mike Moyle echoed Governor Little's sentiments, emphasizing that this is not government money but rather belongs to the people. He declared this as the single largest income tax cut in state history and promised that this is just the beginning. Giving back to taxpayers has always been a top priority for Speaker Moyle.

Senate Pro Tem Kelly Anthon highlighted how Idaho's state leaders have consistently shown their commitment towards giving back to taxpayers during times of prosperity. He also acknowledged that this tax cut not only benefits families but also honors military veterans who have sacrificed so much for their state and nation. Senator Anthon expressed pride in working with fellow legislators and Governor Little to achieve this historic moment.

Idaho has already set an example by leading the nation in providing tax relief per capita, having returned $4.6 billion since Governor Little took office. With House Bill 40 now signed into law, hardworking families and businesses in Idaho can expect even more relief from their taxes.

Filed Under: Government, State

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