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New "Exploring Our National Parks: Rocky Mountains" Ebook & Audiobook Now Available

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FRISCO, Colo. - TelAve -- The Exploring Our National Parks: Rocky Mountains audiobook and eBook takes readers through the legendary National Park via the words, photographs, and voice of author and documentarian Michael Finney.

Author, Michael Finney: "Rocky Mountain National Park is one of our oldest. I've been to three of the four parks in Colorado so far and this one still holds an allure to it that I plan to return to in the future to explore it more. I think it is fitting to make it a stand-alone release from the Exploring Our National Parks series."

Rocky Mountain National Park was originally featured in Exploring Our National Parks; Volume 1. It will be available exclusively on Amazon as an ebook and Audible in audiobook format.

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As the series has expanded into three volumes, it has also grown into video and audio collections available as audiobooks and soundtracks.

Finney: "I have tasked myself with attempting to release one audiobook a month through 2025. This is the first one. This release includes a few minor edits as well as short bookend chapters to set the scene.

Purchase: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXTKFNVW


About Michael Finney

Michael Finney is a full-spectrum content producer from the Midwest. He has explored music, audio, video, photography, and writing over a twenty-year career that has taken him across the United States as well as overseas.

Connect with him: http://michael-finney.com

Source: MWM

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