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Public Hearing on Draft 'One Tacoma' Comprehensive Plan Update March 5

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~ The City of Tacoma is inviting community members to participate in the public hearing for the draft "One Tacoma" Comprehensive Plan update on March 5 at 6 PM. The Planning Commission has approved the release of the draft plan and will be conducting the hearing in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person attendance and remote participation options.

The "One Tacoma" Comprehensive Plan is a crucial tool that sets out Tacoma's future vision and policy direction, guiding its growth and development over the next 25 years. The City is currently updating this plan and encourages community members to learn about this once-in-a-decade update. The draft plan can be accessed online at cityoftacoma.org/onetacoma.

In addition to the "One Tacoma" Comprehensive Plan update, the Planning Commission is also accepting comments on minor amendments to the City's development standards. A summary of these amendments can be found at cityoftacoma.org/codeamendments.

To provide updates on the progress of the draft plan, as well as other City plans and initiatives, such as the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District Plan, Tideflats Subarea Plan, Neighborhood Planning Initiative, and Pacific Avenue Subarea Plan, four informational events will be held by the City's Planning and Development Services Department. These events are family-friendly and light refreshments will be provided.

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The first event will take place on February 20 at STAR Center from 6-7:30 PM for those living in South Tacoma. A virtual event will follow on February 24 via Zoom or by dialing (253) 215-8782 with webinar ID – 836 6932 7451 from 6-7:30 PM. On February 27, residents of North Tacoma can attend an event at Wheelock Library from 1-2:30 PM. And finally, an event for Eastside residents will take place on March 1 at Eastside Community Center from 1-2:30 PM.

Community members can also provide written comments by emailing planning@cityoftacoma.org or mailing them to Planning Commission, 747 Market Street, Room 345, Tacoma, WA 98402. The public comment period ends on March 7 and the Planning Commission will use the input received to finalize its recommendations to the City Council.

For those with questions or who require information in an alternate format, they can email onetacoma@cityoftacoma.org or call (253) 591-2051. More information about the "One Tacoma" Comprehensive Plan update can be found at cityoftacoma.org/onetacoma.

Filed Under: Government, City

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