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Recovery For Hacked Bigpond Email Account

TelAve News/10853428
If you have a reason to believe that your Bigpond email account has been hacked, then in order to make sure that your information is still secured, you need to take action immediately to regain control.

GEELONG, Australia - TelAve -- If you have a reason to believe that your Bigpond email account has been hacked, then in order to make sure that your information is still secured, you need to take action immediately to regain control. You can initiate the process of resetting your password through the set procedure outlined on Telstra's official site. Input your email along with your Bigpond address, verify your identity using the outlined steps, and then set a strong new password.

In the case that the hacker does set their recovery options, and you are unable to set your password, then ensure that you immediately reach out to Telstra support who can subsequently assist you in securing your account. Make sure to submit the needed validation of your account ownership such as the phone numbers linked to your account, along with old bills.

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When you regain access to your account, make sure to verify that you haven't been forwarded any emails and that no recovery email addresses set up are currently existing. Along with that, check all account settings to make sure that no other changes have been made without the user's consent. Forwarding rules that seem unclear along with any other suspicious security setting updates should be done.

For further hindrances to hacking attempts, whenever it is possible ensure that two-step verification is always enabled, as well as regularly changing your passwords. This is done to ensure that none of the phishing emails that try to take your information can gain access to your details, and any unusual login attempts are done ensure to report them to Telstra's security team so they can conduct an investigation.

More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/

+61 (1800) 921251 Reset Bigpond Password

Source: +61 (1800) 921251 Reset Bigpond Password
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