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Rochester: City R-Centers to operate during daytime hours for February school recess

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~ Mayor Malik D. Evans has announced that the City of Rochester R-Centers will be adjusting their hours during the upcoming February recess. In an effort to support families and provide a safe and engaging environment for children, the R-Centers will be open during daytime hours when schools are closed.

According to Mayor Evans, this decision was made in consideration of the disruption to families' normal schedules during school breaks. "Kids love their long breaks from school, and we're glad to open City R-Centers to help families with the disruption to their normal schedules," he stated. He also reassured parents that their children will be in a fun and engaging environment that promotes health, safety, and learning.

From February 18th to 21st, City R-Centers will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, on February 17th in observance of Presidents Day, both R-Centers and other City offices will be closed.

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Dr. Shirley Green, commissioner of the Department of Recreation and Human Services, emphasized the importance of supporting working parents and students who rely on school meals during breaks. "Time off from school provides a welcome break for students and teachers, and we are here to support working parents and those who rely on school meals to make sure their kids get enough to eat each day during breaks," she said.

The R-Centers offer a wide range of programs for both children and adults including traditional sports, team sports, cooking classes, dance classes, academic enrichment programs, life-skills training, nature exploration activities, and more.

During regular school days, most R-Centers are open from 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays and serve dinner. Additionally, all city residents are eligible to participate in City recreation programs or utilize recreation facilities at no cost.

To take advantage of these services, residents can simply create an online account using the R-Central registration tool on the City website. For a complete list of City R-Centers, their locations, and descriptions of winter programs, interested individuals can visit www.cityofrochester.gov/recreation.

Filed Under: Government, City

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