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San Jose: Public Draft EIR: Baypointe Residential Development Project (H22-037)

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~ The City of San José has announced the availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the 210 Baypointe Residential Project. The project site is located at 210 Baypointe Parkway and is comprised of one parcel (APN: 097-07-046). The proposed project would demolish the existing building on site and construct 42, three-story townhouses in six buildings and one 292-unit, seven story apartment building. Approximately 5.82 percent of total units within the apartment building would be affordable (17 units out of 292).

The DEIR outlines potential significant environmental effects with regard to air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, and noise. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires this notice to disclose whether any listed toxic sites are present at the project location. The project location is located on the Cortese List of toxic sites for voluntary cleanup actions. The Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is a responsible agency for this project.

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The Draft EIR and documents referenced in the Draft EIR are available online at www.sanjoseca.gov/activeeirs as well as at three physical locations: Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement; Dr. MLK Jr. Main Library; and Alviso Branch Library.

The public review period for this Draft EIR begins on May 31, 2023 and ends on July 17, 2023. Written comments must be received at the Planning Department by 5:00 p.m. on July 17, 2023 in order to be addressed as part of the formal EIR responses to comments process. Comments and questions should be referred to Kara Hawkins in the Department of Planning, Building and Code Enforcement via e-mail at kara.hawkins@sanjoseca.gov or by regular mail at 200 East Santa Clara St., 3rd Floor San José, CA 95113 (send to the attention of Kara Hawkins). For the official record, please reference File Nos.: ER22-234 & H22-037 in any correspondence.

Residents in San José have been informed that a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the 210 Baypointe Residential Project has been made available by the City of San José for public review and comment period beginning May 31st through July 17th 2023 . This 4.3 acre parcel located at 210 Baypointe Parkway currently houses a commercial building with an associated parking lot which will be demolished if approved to make way for 42 three story townhouses in six buildings as well as one 292 unit seven story apartment building with 5% being affordable housing units (17 out of 292).

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The DEIR outlines potential significant environmental effects with regard to air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials, and noise which must be taken into consideration before approval can be granted by CEQA . It has also been disclosed that this project location is located on Cortese List which requires voluntary cleanup actions from DTSC who are responsible agencies for this project .

The Draft EIR can be found online at www.sanjoseca/activeeirs or physically located at Department of Planning , Building ,and Code Enforcement ; Dr MLK Jr Main Library ; Alviso Branch Library . Written comments must be received by 5pm July 17th 2023 addressed to Kara Hawkins via email kara hawkins@sanjoseca or regular mail 200 East Santa Clara St., 3rd Floor San José , CA 95113 referencing File Nos.: ER22-234 & H22-037 .

Filed Under: Government, City

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