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Texas: Governor Abbott Highlights School Choice Momentum In Fort Worth

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~ Fort Worth, Texas- Last night, Governor Greg Abbott spoke at Temple Christian School (TCS) during a Parent Empowerment Night, highlighting the growing support for school choice in the Texas House of Representatives.

Governor Abbott addressed the crowd, stating that in previous sessions, the Texas Senate had passed school choice measures only to see them fail in the House. However, this time around, with enough co-authors on board, there is hope that school choice will finally be passed and implemented in Texas.

The Governor emphasized that this legislative session will also see a record-high for education funding and teacher pay. He also debunked common myths surrounding school choice, including concerns about public education being fully funded and only wealthy families benefiting from the program. He assured parents that all families in Texas will have access to school choice and that those who homeschool their children will have control over their curriculum.

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Governor Abbott urged Texans to get involved in the legislative process by contacting their representatives and voicing their support for school choice. He believes that providing more options for education will benefit students and put them on a path towards success.

Joining Governor Abbott at the event were Senator Kelly Hancock, Representative David Cook, Representative David Lowe, Representative John McQueeney, Representative Nate Schatzline, Representative Tony Tinderholt, as well as Mandy Drogin from the Texas Public Policy Foundation Campaign Director. TCS President Doug Rife and Head of School Dr. Andrea Chevalier were also present along with other supporters of school choice.

The momentum for school choice continues to grow in Texas as more legislators show their support for this important issue. With Governor Abbott leading the charge and urging Texans to get involved, there is hope that this session will finally see a successful passage of a school choice bill.

Filed Under: Government, State

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