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The Untold Story of Everything Digital

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BOSTON - TelAve -- The Beginning that Changed Everything!
A breathtakingly incredible romp of derring-do filled with mystery, suspense, high-stakes drama, international intrigue, and breakthrough digital engineering…at a time when digital engineering was only the stuff of sci-fi movies. …Today, it's in every pocket and purse!

75th anniversary of the world going digital for the very first time 1949-2024

Tom Green's 2019 print edition of The Untold Story of Everything Digital now has an audiobook companion.

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Both the book and audiobook recount the origins of our world going digital for the very first time. How it began and why, where, and who were the digital pioneers who made it happen?

Digital computers, from walk-in to pocket size…all in a lifetime!

Relive the Making of the Future
The story of how it all began.

Please join us for this special audiobook edition of the Amazon bestselling print edition,and relive the making of the future.

Truly, it was the beginning that changed everything.

Media Contact
Tom Green

Source: Bright Boys Media LLC
Filed Under: Technology

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