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Christopher K Lopez International Best Seller Wins Prestigious 2024 International Impact Award

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Christopher Knight Lopez, international best-selling author of I Made It Then I Didn't has been honored by International Impact Awards for December of 2024!

HOUSTON - TelAve -- The international bestselling author of 'I Made It Then I Didn't' who became the #1 Best Selling Book in 5 Business categories on his initial week of launch in 2022 with Best Seller's Publishing was recently recognized in the category of "Business of Marketing and Branding Excellence Category".

With thousands of initial entries and ten final entries for the category Christopher won he had this to say, "Nim has an incredible platform which I am truly privileged to be a part of. Her dedication to recognize quality, artistic literature and message stands as shining light in an ocean of darkness. I am deeply humbled and grateful for the award."

Christopher is the one percent you don't know and recently completed a co-author book with Kevin Harrington. You can see the full interview online at Rise of The Hustler channel. One of the principal pioneers of the "As Seen On TV" Industry Kevin's name is instantly recognized. Kevin is the owner of AsSeenOnTV Inc. and AsSeenOnTv.com. Kevin has launched over 1,000 products in over 100 countries in dozens of languages, creating over $6 billion in global sales.

Christopher is looking to engage readers and enhance the term Professional Hustler to a broader audience. He is passionate about combatting narratives, false allegations and showing people how to navigate impossible circumstances. His initial success launched him to appear on NBC Palm Springs, Nice Guys Podcasts, Enterprise Network, Tell Us Your Biz and his recent television interview with the legendary fashion and runway icon Angela Posillico on Global Trade Chamber (GTC) TV in Miami, Florida. All the links to these media pieces can be found on the website below.

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Christopher demonstrates how hustling millions each year is possible despite numerous setbacks. Legal challenges, including the discussion of how to navigate the perilous situation of a pending indictment are discussed at length. By taking advantage of various market driven opportunities, moving with a sense of gratitude, and having humility Christopher shows how the very thing meant to kill you can be the reason why everyone wants to do business with you.

Christopher has opened more than seven businesses in his 15-year career. That's hustling. The much-anticipated next project is set for 2026. Stay tuned for additional details! We look forward to bringing you more exciting news including where you can purchase this incredible product shortly. You can find the award winning international best seller "I Made It Then I Didn't" directly on Amazon and on the 'christopherklopez' website.


Christopher Knight Lopez is a Professional Hustler turned International Best Seller, Award Winner of the December 2024 prestigious International Impact Book Awards – a premier award program dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the exceptional work of authors around the globe and Published Author of "I Made It Then I Didn't". He is also a Co-Author with Kevin "The Shark" Harrington "Many Paths To Profit". Christopher previously held his Series 65 securities license, and his General Lines – Life, Accident, Health & HMO-- license. Christopher has managed a combined $286 million in reported Assets Under Management & Assets Under Advisement, worked in more than 29 countries, raised over $50 million for various businesses, and grossed over $13 million through his personal career. Now a full-time author, writer and entertainment personality Christopher brings his knowledge to help others navigate a tumultuous path which is hustling in the face of adversity. He is a United States Air Force Veteran who honorably served his country overseas and is a recipient of military medals and awards for his service to his country.

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Find out more at: www.christopherklopez.com

Source: Knight Lopez Literary Works

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