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Music has Healing Powers and Science Has Proven It

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PARADISE VALLEY, Ariz. - TelAve -- It's been recently reported that music is being used in doctors' offices during procedures and even in the operating room. It depends on the kind of music that can transport the person to a calmer, more peaceful place.

For the disease, Alzheimer's, music can be used for therapy. According to expert forensic pathologist, Dr. Michael Hunter, "Music is acting like a non-pharmacological therapy. It's been long understood that music activates a broad network in the brain and has been shown to actually stimulate neurological activity." Dr. Hunter continued, "It's thought that the musical memory networks are separate from traditional temporal lobe memory networks which are spared until the later stages of the disease."

Researchers at Stanford University have said "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication".

Albert Einstein and many others used music to relax. To quote Einstein, "If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music."

Internet radio station Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond brings the music from the past to the public. Whether it is John Williams, Johnny Mathis, Frank Sinatra, Henry Mancini, or thousands of others, this radio station is also on 24/7 and is commercial free and free to the public.

As owner and host of Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond, Sherry Goldberg says, "We are free and fulfilling." Sherry, an artist in Phoenix, AZ, has been collecting this music since childhood. Her dream was always to preserve this music and share it with others.

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Her art collection numbers in the hundreds and every piece was created listening to this music. She has many pieces named after songs. When asked what music she would choose for a medical procedure, Sherry said "I've listened to Rhapsody in Blue while having a dental procedure. I think I would choose Percy Faith or Johnny Mathis."

As Sherry signs her blogs with Larry Hart's immortal words "with a song in my heart", tune into Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond for a peaceful and calming journey into the past.

Where to Listen to Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond

On the MBSB website: https://moviesbroadwaysingersandbeyond.com/

On TuneIn: https://tunein.com/radio/Movies-Broadway-Singers-and-Beyond-s217016/

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On iHeart Radio: https://www.iheart.com/live/movies-broadway-singers-beyond-8903/

On Amazon Alexa: "Alexa, play Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond"

On Apple iOS Devices:  https://music.apple.com/us/station/movies-broadway-singers-and-beyond/ra.1461551787

ou can also listen in your car: https://moviesbroadwaysingersandbeyond.com/listen-to-movies-broadway-singers-and-beyond-in-you-car-for-free/

Source: Movies Broadway Singers and Beyond

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